Imagine if you were only able to travel to places within walking distance. Would that limit what you could do with your life?

This is the reality for many of our students, they don’t have access to any form of transport for one reason - cost.

The high price of bus travel means that many potential students just don’t have the means to get to us, even if they really want to learn English! Over the last few months we have received various grants which have allowed us to reimburse those attending for their travel costs. This has had a profound impact, not just on the number able to attend, but on the regularity of them being able to come. The more often a student is able to attend our classes (with some also opting to attend multiple classes) the quicker progress they make in their language learning, not to mention the huge benefits to their emotional and social health.

The sad news is that the money set aside for student travel has almost all gone and we are at a point where we soon wont be able to offer to cover student travel expenses.

How you can help…

  1. Donate the cost of a bus fare to us - just £5.60 will pay for a student to have their travel costs paid.

  2. Sign the petition campaigning for free bus travel for all those seeking asylum in Sheffield.

  3. Give up wheels for a whole week and donate what you save by not using your car or taking the bus. (If you are planning on taking on this challenge please let us know so we can cheer you on!)

We want to make education as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. We believe that finances should not be a barrier to anyone accessing the learning they need. Learning English and gaining digital skills is ESSENTIAL to making a home here.

Check out our most recent blog post for more information about supporting students to travel and the difference it makes. You can read all about it here!